Halifax Meditation


The Sri Chinmoy Centre of Halifax offers ongoing free meditation classes.

To register for the classes and for more information please call us at: 902-429-5234 or click here.


Throughout these classes we will offer techniques to still the mind and expand the heart using breathing and concentration exercises, mantras, visualisations, music and silent meditation.

For thousands of years great luminaries and spiritual figures have mapped out the inner pathways to happiness. The practice of meditation runs through all of their teachings as a beautiful river conferring inner peace, a desireless contentment, a deeper sense of life's true purpose and a blossoming of our spiritual nature.


Established in 1973, the Sri Chinmoy Centre of Halifax offers free meditation classes throughout the year at Dalhousie University and at various other venues in the Halifax area. 

In 1981, Satisfaction-Feast restaurant was started by Centre member Sarita Earp.  For 30 years this vegetarian restaurant offered to the people of Halifax quality food cooked with love and care. Many guests called it an oasis of calm and tranquility. This food continues on.  It can be found at the Satisfaction-Feast booth at the Historic Farmers Market in the old Brewery.  Special orders can be placed, either there or by phoning Sarita at 429-5234.

 Sri Chinmoy's books and music are available at the Halifax Regional Library and at the meditation classes. There are also many titles available on Kindle and soon, Kobo.  During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy wrote over 1,500 books and composed over 13,000 songs. All of his writings and music were created with the sole purpose of offering spiritual guidance, inspiration and hope to people from all walks of life. Through all of his creative endeavours, Sri Chinmoy sought to build a world of oneness and peace for all of humanity to share as a global family. 


If you would like further information about our activities or the Sri Chinmoy Centre kindly call 902-429-5234 or use our Contact Us form to send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you.