Toronto Meditation

Established 7 October 1970


Discover Peace Within

The Sri Chinmoy Center in Toronto offers FREE ongoing meditation classes as a community service for those seeking the deeply rewarding benefits of this ancient practice. These classes are based on Sri Chinmoy’s teachings of meditation on the ‘spiritual heart’—the centre of infinite and universal love—which he says is “the safest and most fulfilling path”.

Classes consist of an introductory class followed by a series of three follow-up classes offering further instruction and techniques for meditation. All introductory and follow-up classes are free of charge.

Please call 416-536-7379 for information regarding the next available set of classes.

See also: Toronto



In his book The Silent Teaching, Sri Chinmoy describes meditation as follows:

“Meditation means the recognition or discovery of one’s own true self. 
It is through meditation that we transcend limitations, imperfections and bondage.  When we meditate, what we actually do is enter into the deeper part of our being. At that time, we are able to bring to the fore the wealth that we have deep within us. If we practise meditation daily, then we can rest assured that the problems of our life, inner and outer, are solved.”

View further writings by Sri Chinmoy on meditation and other inspirational topics.



By Shivaram Trichur

Shivaram Trichur has practised meditation with Sri Chinmoy for more than 40 years. Raised in a family devoted to traditional Hindu practices, Shivaram is well versed in the Sanskrit language and has extensively studied the lives and teachings of Indian saints and sages who have guided and inspired seekers of Truth for hundreds of years. In a series of FREE inspirational talks, Shivaram shares his wealth of spiritual knowledge by presenting Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy and other ancient spiritual teachings in a context both practical and helpful to 21st century seekers in their journey towards inner peace, happiness and fulfillment. Each presentation will include an opportunity for questions and further discussion on the following or any inspirational topics:

Scheduled Topics:   

  • The Spiritual Journey
  • Discovering our true Self
  • The Secret of Peace and Happiness
  • The Need for a Spiritual Teacher or Guru.

Dates & Topics:    Please call 416-536-7379 for upcoming dates & topics



Established in 1974, Annapurna is Toronto’s original vegetarian restaurant. It was owned and operated by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre for 50 years before being closed.

A recent article by a devoted customer best describes this beautiful enterprise and what it has to offer both seekers and diners alike. You can view a listing of other vegetarian restaurants, cafes, flower and gift shops owned and operated by students of Sri Chinmoy in Canada or view a listing of Sri Chinmoy Centre enterprises in other parts of the world.


Available at Annapurna

Sri Chinmoy has written over 1,600 inspirational books and composed 21,000 devotional songs. Much of his prolific work can be found in books and on CDs available for sale at Annapurna Vegetarian Restaurant, 1085 Bathurst. Please visit Sri Chinmoy's online library for further writings on meditation and other inspirational topics. 

The following are a few samples:

MEDITATION: Man-Perfection in God-Satisfaction ~ $15.00

Learn to meditate with the most comprehensive and easy to understand book on meditation available. Presented with the simplicity and clarity that is the hallmark of Sri Chinmoy’s writings, this book will take you from the beginning to the advanced stages of concentration and meditation. Also features Sri Chinmoy’s answers to 150 questions on a wide range of experiences often encountered in meditation.


WINGS OF JOY: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace ~ $16.50

Sri Chinmoy combines ancient wisdom with modern insights into what it means to be a seeker in the 21st century. Believing that we are all innately divine beings, he encourages us to find peace and light deep within our own hearts and to deal with life’s negative experiences by transforming them. Filled with parables, anecdotes, stories, poems, simple aphorisms and evocative images.


These solo flute compositions were created during a high state of meditation. Therein lies the love, power, wisdom and freedom that can be discovered by listening to Sri Chinmoy’s music. He plays with a rich, warm tone and improvises freely. This is the perfect ambient music for meditation and healing.


No mind, no form, I only exist;
Now ceased all will and thought.
The final end of Nature’s dance,
I am it whom I have sought.

A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
Beyond both knower and known.
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
I face the One alone.

I have crossed the secret ways of life,
I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
I am the way, the God-Soul.

My spirit aware of all the heights,
I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;
My cosmic play is done.

~ An excerpt from "My Flute" by Sri Chinmoy



Each year, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team (SCMT) sponsors over 500 international athletic events from 2-mile fun runs to ultra events such as 24 Hour races and an annual 31,000 mile race in New York. In Toronto, members of the SCMT assist with the organising of several well-known mid-to-ultra distance races held annually in Kingston and Ottawa: the Kingston Self-Transcendence 6-Hour Race in June; and the Ottawa Self-Transcendence 6 & 12KM Run in June, as well as the Self-Transcendence 6, 12 & 24 Hour Race in September.

All Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team athletic events are offered in the spirit of Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy of self-transcendence, which he says is self-competition and not world-competition.  View questions and answers by Sri Chinmoy on self-transcendence and sport.

First things first.

You do not have to know

The secret of peace.

You just have to know

The secret of self-transcendence.

Your self-transcendence

Will surround your entire being

With peace.

~ Sri Chinmoy



Peace Run

Founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is a global torch relay that seeks to inspire international friendship and understanding.  To learn more about the Run in Canada and around the world visit the website Peace

If you can create harmony
In your own life,
This harmony will enter
Into the vast world.    

          ~ Sri Chinmoy





We welcome you to contact the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Toronto in any of the following ways:

            Telephone:           416-536-7379


Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to hearing from you.