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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

Having a Spiritual Teacher
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
Learning to follow my intuition
Saranyu Pearson Geelong, Australia
My inner calling
Purnakama Rajna Winnipeg, Canada
The Peace Run visits Oxford
Tejvan Pettinger Oxford, United Kingdom
Patanga: my spiritual name
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
Bhutan, A Country Less Travelled...
Ambarish Keenan Dublin, Ireland
Celebrating birthdays at Guru's house
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
Listen to the inner voice
Vidura Groulx Montreal, Canada
The connection between Sri Chinmoy's music and my soul
Kamalakanta Nieves New York, United States
You only have to keep your eyes and ears open
Gannika Wiesenberger Linz, Austria
Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United KingdomSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

Why we organise ultra-distance events
Subarnamala Riedel Zurich, Switzerland
What is it like on the Peace Run?
Nikolaus Drekonja San Diego, United States
My first impressions of Sri Chinmoy's philosophy
Lunthita Duthely Hialeah, United States
Starting a spiritual café
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
Sri Chinmoy's vision of the Peace Run
Harita Davies New York, United States
A childhood meeting with Sri Chinmoy
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom